We are pleased to announce the release of MKDoc-1.6.31. MKDoc is an award-winning mod_perl web-based content management system with an emphasis on usability, accessibility and internationalisation.
This is a feature release that adds new functionality as well as fixing many minor bugs, read the INSTALL.TXT file before upgrading from an earlier version.
Major changes in this release
New user-group functionality allows restricted areas and multiple groups of users.
Headlines and Events listings can now just show documents matching particular audience categories.
Site owners can generate spreadsheet style reports on user accounts.
Uploaded files have icons indicating their file-type.
New Dynamic Sitemap plugin is faster and shows more information.
New plugin allows users to post comments to documents.
MKDoc-1.6.31 can be downloaded at http://download.mkdoc.com/mkdoc-1.6/
About MKDoc
MKDoc is a Web site building, serving, and content management tool that has been designed to encourage the use of good information architecture and the production of accessible Web sites.
It provides different ways for the public to interact with and navigate between documents, including a sitemap, search facility, Dublin Core XML/RDF metadata and printer versions of pages. All management, document creation, editing and organising is done via a web browser. The look and feel are controlled using Petal TAL templates and cascading style sheets. Unicode/UTF-8 is used to support all languages, including right-to-left scripts.
MKDoc is licensed under the GNU GPL.
Detailed changes since 1.6.30
Changes to default templates
The layout has changed from sidebar-at-end to sidebar-at-top. The default theme is now blue mkdoc.com style.
Headlines/Listings templates are now each separate files.
Search box now says “search My Site”.
Hidden pages have CSS class on <body>.
Templates no-longer include editor's email addresses.
External li