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Apache 2.2 mod_cache

As of Apache HTTP server version 2.2 mod_cache and mod_file_cache are no longer marked experimental and are considered suitable for production use.


First you need to have Apache 2.2 set to act as a proxy for the APache 1.3 running mod_perl and MKDoc, see:

Using mod_cache with MKDoc is fairly simple, this example configuration should do the trick, however it doesn't seem to actually cache anything…

There is no point in caching the users domain, this is an example for the public domain with an Apache 1.3 with mod_perl running on port 8080:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPass /
  ProxyPassReverse /
  CacheEnable mem /
  CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On


This document was last modified by Chris Croome on 2006-06-21 06:56:34
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