Fedora Core 5

The test machine used for this is a FC5 virtual Xen server. It has the default FC5 apache listening on port 80 which forwards requests to a compiled apache and mod_perl on port 8080.

The MKDoc sites on the box were deleted and the box was rebooted.

Site Installs

The MKDoc code was updated:

[chris@xen-fc5 ~]$ cd /usr/local/mkdoc-1-6/
[chris@xen-fc5 mkdoc-1-6]$ cvs -q up -dP

The env was set:

[chris@xen-fc5 mkdoc-1-6]$ source mksetenv.sh
[chris@xen-fc5 mkdoc-1-6]$ printenv | grep MKD

Then the two sites were installed using the default value for everything:

[chris@xen-fc5 mkdoc-1-6]$ tools/install-site.pl /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk
1 - Basic MKDoc configuration
2 - Database connection
3 - Organization details
4 - First user details
S - Save Makefile.PL and exit
X - eXit without without saving
Input Choice: s
Checking config...  OK
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/su
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/httpd
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/resources
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/resources/templates
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/resources/skin
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/data
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/static
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/static/files
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/static/images
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/log
Creating /usr/local/mkdoc-sites/xen-fc5.webarchitects.co.uk/cache
Writing apache config files
It appears that your database is not empty.
Do you want to (K)eep your current database or (E)rase it? [K,e] e
Your mkdoc site has been installed. You should now restart
your http server. Once this is done, go to the following
Your default connection parameters will be:
  user: admin
  password: thess